Go with the flow

Over the years , as we grow , learn, progress in life through different stages of learning , we keep changing evolving and getting matured .

Time and Experience both make life ripen with their own effect.

The rawness of not understanding, the ignorance of not reacting or interacting to situations, or sometimes of overreacting all change,as the flow of time makes us steady, calm and more realized.

He who has valued time and understood the depth of its existence in space shall never repent or regret having lost anything. Ups and downs, good and bad phases might come and go, but the one who knows what time is , will never let a chance go waste and shall use it fullest in the most creative and productive way.

It is often said, time doesn’t stop for anything or anyone, it is like the ceaselessly flowing river which finds its way through rocks and rough terrains but never stops. It is us who have to be with the flow or else we lose the track of its course of flow and become alone in this trek of life.

It is the wetness and characteristics of time that drench us with experiences in between to let us realize and mature.

Never stop breathing or thinking ,just because the time is bad . It may be according to you , as you have not seen the future nor the direction of time’s flow. Let things happen at the same pace as they are supposed to be. Never suppress your thoughts, for the cycle of life shall bring before you the same circumstances to resolve any matter that remained unsolved or entangled.

Free yourself from the bondage of entanglement and flow with time.



In the long flight of living, it has been a tussle , a whole long transformation of ruffling feathers , plucking old ones, growing the new ,trying to still maintain the speed and focus of flying with all energy and magnitude and in this journey, many a times wounded get the   wings, bruised are ends , where hardly one gets time to repair, mend or let the wounds dry.

The journey goes on without stopping, with every bend bringing more challenges and showing more impermanence of life.



Unachievable goals, difficult roads, storms , or hovering clouds, thorns pushing out of every circumstances often shred the skin in ways where one tries to protect the family keeping  them intact.

Hardly all these such efforts are realized , the fact is the zeal to move forward, the confidence of fighting inspite of not being acknowledged, the selfless support and patience of 24 hours extending to 7 days and 12 months a year continuously exhausts the energy of self.
There are moments when the flight seems the last , the faraway sky seems to embrace our pains and struggles, yet the closed ones near us never realize or notice.
The long exhausting journey wishes moments of understanding, some moments of realization which remain unnoticed and unheeded.
The long laps of flight turn the wings weak, which cannot hold the rough weathers now, due to continous exposure to rough weathers and because never did they been cleaned, covered, given rest .
A life too depletes such with negligence when all paths suddenly turn down and forget to let the soul breathe.




It is a transformation to break free from all shackles, from all chains that have pulled the wings in different directions, letting the bird to forget it’s own flight and instead follow the journey of survival.

It is time ,to mend ways, to realize, to know, to understand, to see through, to accept  this struggle .

As an eagle too can live upto 70 years and for that it has to go through the painful process of transformation after 40 years.
Either one fights self, wins , overcomes and then survives as a fighter and warrior of life or else succumbs to surroundings and gets eroded in the flood of life .

This isn’t the fear of physical pain , it is the transformation that  creates turbulence within, either leading to a rebirth of self or leading to the  usual  end .

Nations prosper ,when women have power !

She who makes your family, she who rears you since childhood has every right to get connected to the strings of learning.When every household thinks alike as such and tries to introduce the basics of learning internet to the women of the house, knowledge shall spread and countries will prosper.
Barring her the freedom of choice and her right to learn , we can see many nations fallen to their fallacies in the grits of poverty and misery.

Read my article about this on Worldpulse: Nations prosper when women have power




When the wet soil of the unkempt village turned muddy, it became very slippery and small puddles formed everywhere. The slope of the broken huts had many holes and gaps those which allowed the raindrops and then the gush of rainfall to go inside the breaking houses…

People awaited for the rain to stop and the continuous downpour had started playing havoc. Destroying the fodder of the cattle, the harvested stock too had got wet and had been damaged.

What could they all do? They couldn’t stop or control arrival nor could decide the departure of the showers.

Science has progressed a lot says everyone; the lone farmer never understood what it meant. If anything can’t be in control of ourself,what advancement is it? Since centuries, he has stood there like other farmers praying for the stopping of the rainfall.

Had the government helped him in shifting the harvested stock to a safer place ,it would not have got wet . Does constructing a cemented or pucca warehouse to stock the grains of the whole village a huge task to do, that till today the heaps of gigantic livestock is kept in the open on the mercy of the rain gods. And when it rains suddenly, it is covered by the soiled torn sheets of polythene and tarpaulins which remind of the torn condition of the country.

What a shame! When governments change, much is talked about policies,amendments ,regulations and enquiries,basic few things if done by individuals and their  collective effort can change the condition of the country forever.

The smallest unit of administration thus which has been created at the Panchayat level of village doesn’t help nor initiate,or the higher levels do not coordinate to let such changes happen in the society leading to complete failure of the whole system of administration.

But government nowadays is run by politicians, who play politics first and then take a step for the welfare of country and humanity.

Little Sonu was yet to understand all this dirty filth of life and he was making paper boats to let the white boats sail in the puddle. His tiny sails floated and went through small puddles, like a ray of hope in the darkened night of the storm.


Do you have any thought to share on this?


When certain things in life don’t go well or according to what we had planned,there is a sense of dissatisfaction and discontentment.

Very often we aspire of many dreams and goals which are achievable ,but not in a step ,instead they require lot of patience and hard work. This delay sometimes makes us unhappy or we lose the interest in between ,when the path seems long enough and the destination far away.We forget then that the destination or the goal has its own place,we need to travel till the point and realize our dream.

It is the journey that is more hard to undertake and harder is to remain firm on it till the last.

The determination and the focus shall testify the patience and make us reach our destination.




The wooden door behind was an architectural delight. The glass pane fitted in it enthralled me.

As I pushed the door ajar, an alley of sophisticated grandeur gleamed.

Facing the beautiful green lawn the tiny drops of pink and yellow“ coloured flowers bloomed in the background.

Beside the quiet swimming pool which attracted every onlooker to have a dip in it the walk along provided a soothing feel. A small gate opened out of the garden and lo! It faced the blue gigantic ocean.

Was life as simple as this?

Passing through an alley of troubles and distractions,or a dark one surrounding our minds with fear would we find a way or a door which would lead to the ultimate blissful ocean!

What a mystical world this is ! yet it shows and provides every disheartened heart a solution to lead it through the darkness onto the path of light.But man is known to be more intellectual than the other living beings on earth ,or it presumes so and hence it tends to lose the connection with the divine which the nature tries to demonstrates through its different ways!

Fear the most common and dreadier situation of a mind and heart which kills the innocence and the liveliness of a soul,ultimately deadens the once energetic and cheerful being!

For fear of money,power,life,health,family,affairs,status,society,love,hatred,insecurity is the leech which would suck the blood out of a person slowly while the individual remains unaware of the reason of the unnecessary pain and ache!

Born free on this land, a mind which has been given a body to take care of has the power to do wonders and which the soul keeps on reminding .

We just need to listen to that voice of ours and concentrate our attention on the power of our mind to achieve the impossible.

The fear of these useless things would vanish in a glimpse and the flame of the liveliness of a person will always remain ablaze!





What and who represents your company? What is the distinct feature that makes your organization stand at a different level  higher than the rest?

Of course,your people,your staff and the management group that handles the  pattern,behavior,exposure,growth and  planning of your concern are the ones representing your firm.

The three level system consisting of  the lower management,the middle management and the senior management form the base of any company to run in a successful way.  It depends on the efficiency of the person in these levels and  also on the co-ordination of the employees among themselves.

An organization having people of great caliber and potentials can be at a loss if the people in that talk do not possess the quality of working together as a team and always are head on with every other person for any issue arising .

“A company hiring certain hard-core professionals out of a belief that  masters of  certain specialized areas will provide their company with  good solutions or find a way to  market their products globally or can enhance the output of their  production  is nevertheless like having a  dream “.

Every individual besides being a professional  is a person possessing  his own traits and behavioral pattern.This pattern should be compatible with the working methods of the system or should be  advantageous  to the company.If there has to be a change in the prevailing  format other than the one running in the  company, it will have certain frictions arising within the core,but not a collapse of the infrastructure.

Many organizations suddenly replace  their hired top  personnel out of a notion to accommodate the best talents available in the industry and still go around with losses in spite of having the best people with them.

“A degree of any specialized field will make one well versed with the nomenclature and thorough with the ideal ways of working that is explained in the books,but wont teach a person ,how to deal in certain situations of crisis which are unique and exceptional in every case irrespective of any country. The work experience ,the thought process , overall thinking and managing ability of the person shall endear  to the perfect solution.”

Remember what we had learnt in school is the basic knowledge,life taught us the real ways of living. So the ones who used to sit in the last benches of the school are top businessmen of our times, for they know the real art of running a company and have not stuck to any predefined written methods. They may hire excellent people to represent their company on certain levels and to know  the  views and suggestions of the so-called intellectuals.But remember the wisest of all always listens to the people around him , but  he does what his heart and mind proclaims.

For an organization to run smoothly  with success by achieving the profits and earning a repute , it is essential to have a combination of people  merging together and  blending the top brains with the wise heads and the excellent performers.

One who  cares  for the organization as much as he does for his career,the individual having a real connection for the company for which he is  working and who has  the sense of thinking alive in him to bring about the best from his team and their efforts is the one who can take the organization to a different strata.

PHOTOCREDIT:godshack.blogspot.com – 




What is needed is the sense of belonging , intelligence, dynamism in thoughts and behavior,ability to take and face risks,courage to accept challenges and the endurance to complete them along with a nature of a good human being,which when  summed can be the face of the company!




What fills the heart with a sense of satisfaction and contentment? What is it that spreads a smile onto our face?

Are they the achievements of our career or a promotion at our workplace?

Does a certificate of excellent performance brings an effortless grin onto your cheeks?

Will a certain amount of money won through lottery or a contest give you the sense of fulfillment?

Nevertheless none of the above can make this happen. Not  that we do not get happier with all these achievements ,but the real sense of satisfaction is not fulfilled through this.

The most minute and so-called unimportant things of our life ,which we have put down on our priority list make us more happy and create a wonderful feeling of happiness.

The little things are very tiny in nature and hardly require any monetary investment nor do they need any judgement.

They are the things we love to do,irrespective of the way they have been accomplished.

An air of freedom prevails then which makes us lighter and we really want to afloat high.As there is no one to judge about them nor do we have any pressure of completion of the task in certain limit of time, we respire freely.

I love to walk in the wet sands of the shores in the evening dusk when the sun kisses the horizon and melts into the far ocean…

The wetness on my feet washes away the strains and troubles of everyday in a very quiet way as the waves of the sea absorbs all the noise that screams within in its own roar.

The tides rising and falling are a view to enamor and take you along with them to a far distant place from where your mind forgets the real existence of yourself in this world.

Tuning to the favourite songs and listening to music is another little thing which infuses vibrancy and energy in my dull dying system.

A favourite delicious dish unexpectedly cooked for someone special adds delight to my senses.

Few random puzzles of word games or riddles solved  in pastime transforms me into a kid instantly for the few minutes when I am engaged in these.

These few little things of my life maintain the innocence and liveliness of my nature alive,never letting me forget the real happiness lies in this miniatures …

Daily Prompt: The Little Things.

  1. Daily Prompt: The Little Things « Mama Bear Musings
  2. Daily Prompt: The Little Things | cognitive reflection
  3. I Love Sharing My Favorite Music | Never Stationary
  4. Daily Prompt: The Little Things | Storm In A B-Cup
  5. Prompt: Mobile Phone And Flipping Pages | Wise Counsel
  6. The Invaluable Tools: Reading and Writing, and the story of P. | The Magic Black Book
  7. Freedom | Spunky Wayfarer
  8. An Ode To The Pen | Self-Help for Creative Deprived
  9. Aunt Sadie’s Locket (Short story) | The Jittery Goat
  10. It’s the little things that count | New Visions
  11. All the Small Things | The Cheese Whines
  12. 8. Changes: DPChallenge | Sofie’s Diary
  13. It’s all the little things.. | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind


Seen a bird flying ! How majestic it looks! The wings spread gracefully  in the air with the  head held high  and the movement elegant than we can imagine.


IMG_4268 Flying Swan

Aren’t our thoughts similar and exhibit the same pattern of flying if pursued and dwelt into!

Every thought that originates in our mind has its own life and intensity. Depending on the nature of the  thought either it finds its place in the outer world or dies on its own without getting noticed. Some of these are really exquisite,whereas some have selfish desires draped around.

The ones which are nobler if  focused give wonderful and positive results. One has to really ponder hard to execute them in a proper way for perfect results.

Every flight of a thought goes up in the air to seek and touch the highest point but rarely does a thought touches the infinite peak,when it does it is purely pristine and finds its own way into the world of existence.Many end up in flights which even struggle with the early stages of flying,the ones which do not have conviction as its basic strength and which gets lost in the free air of freedom .

Every thought of our mind  has a power stored within its frame,as soon as it is released the thought in shape of a recoil releases certain energy which helps in giving the thought a birth with life in the universe.



If there is a negative thought and it is as stronger as the positive one,it too releases the same amount of negative energy into the atmosphere thereby harming the person and the ones around him.

That is why ,it is always said to have good thoughts about oneself and others . It is forever advised to be aware of the negative effects of our thoughts,which do have a bad effect on ourselves.

Thoughts are the birds 

flying free in the air,

guide them towards the

best destination,

else they get  hit

on their way and fall off the cliff !

Gadgets diminish us!

With the advanced technologies now at our fingertips,we have diminished the use of the power of our thoughts and ideas! Earlier even to calculate a simple arithmetic sum or totaling the money to be paid to the local shopkeeper ,we used to efficiently exercise our brains to get the perfect answer in few seconds. While on a trip to the nearby hill station or a resort we just knew how much time will it take for us to reach there prior to our lunch or dinner and how efficiently our engine will work for the consumption of the fuel!

The sense of direction also was very alert without any gadgets to guide us which way we are heading for?

The height of our imaginative ideas depended on the thoughts that our mind used to generate and frame.To create a design or to write an article,to present something or gift a person,to meet someone or how to converse,it all based on the thoughts of our brain .

Today it all depends on the mini gadgets that we own and proudly show. The possession of these gadgets is a sign of prosperity and modernity nowadays.To be connected 24×7 with everyone in the world whether you know the person or not,is definitely in..the cool one!

To use the technologies to the extreme case of using it even for suggestions is also applauded.

Nevertheless these advanced and technically position gadgets are useful to every extent and help us in providing pace to your life .They ease the pressure of working and have more precision in the solutions,but they have with the time reduced the power f thinking. The power which we used to be proud of sometime is now gradually becoming zero and it wont be long when it will go under the 0 level.



Ask a young person from the new generation anything and the first instance the person will say ,I will google it and find! Right! IT is good to find new things and get the information,but haven’t you learned anything since the last so many years or haven’t to noticed around ?The art of learning through observation is a rare one now,as hardly people observe each others behavior or their surroundings.The things that get noticed are the attires,the appearance,the persona,the physical disposition.

While claiming to be in love,it takes seconds for anyone to sms or ping a person and let her/him know about the feelings .The thought of pondering over the decision or the action whether it is right or wrong,or justified is now virtually invisible. Actions are without thoughts and thoughts never get generated due to over obsession of electronic gadgets around us.

To think on something is to have an idea about it not by logic but from the heart. Sometimes facts written in books and logic shown in proofs aren’t right or sufficient enough to take any correct decision then we listen to the voice of our mind and heart. Due to the preoccupied mind nowadays the heart seems to have lost its way . It gets astray and abandoned on slight pretext.

The gadgets nevertheless of much use in a  progress are somehow amputating the power of our thoughts and hence diminishing our unique existence!

The best way is to use these technological instruments for a purpose along with proper utilization of our brain and thoughts to ensure,we don’t remain as mere puppets in the buttons of the advanced technology.

