My heartiest thanks to Ute I am in love with life !, who nominated me for this wonderful  award!

Being a part of the WordPress family is a beautiful experience where we come across thousands of bloggers and few of them touch our core with their love and intense thoughts. Their expressions in form of words are always welcome as they embrace our identity in those spoken words.

This being a new blog,had been like a new born baby,trying to grab attention,yet everyone who visited here showered unconditional love and support.

My thoughts are very clearly spoken here and expressed unlike my poetry blog. http://soumyav.wordpress.com where I weave my feelings into a verse.



THE RULES FOR THE AWARD ARE:1.Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family

4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them

5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people who have taken you as  a friend, and spread the love.

Quoted from the Rules:

“This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I started this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honor to start this award”.

I would like to extend this award to few bloggers who are a part of my family here and who are very closer to my heart!












The list is random and includes those whom I have not been able to mention before in any of my lists. I would like to  extend my family of WordPress and embrace them with my words.



Iam happy to see you all enjoying this new blog of mine which gets a wonderful response whenever I post about anything here. The blog is a diary which has random thoughts contemplated and written.Thanks to everyone for liking the thoughts of mind.

It crossed the mark of 200 likes  for this new blog.



My heartiest thanks to each and everyone who reads and plays a part in inspiring me by their presence.


“1st award of this blog”

” Mind created illusions,drew lines to illustrate them, proofs ,hypothesis were derived …ultimately all believed in those as thoughts got transformed into reality! “

This blog ,” Diary of a mind” today gets its first award! Its hard to believe ,it is just the start and the mind has started taking its own direction and thought process bringing out results. Remember ,I had said in my last post,”YOUR DESTINY LIES IN YOUR MIND”… Very true!

Its a joyous time for me! I get 100 likes on this blog within a week!


And :

The first award to this blog  is nominated by Priyank,http://6dimensions.wordpress.com/about/awards/ who is a wonderful person with varied interests. He blogs about everything that he feels or thinks about. An engineer and a avid movie watcher!

Iam thankful to him for making me so happy and my blog so colourful with the first Liebster award.


The rules for this are simple:

  • Tell 11 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 other persons.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and answer the questions given to you.

1. Favourite books – fiction and non-fiction?

 Non fiction
2. 3 Favourite movies?

Roman holiday

The Goal

3 idiots
3. The time you spend on blog can also be spent in?

4. A festival you really enjoy?

5. How do you spend Sunday evenings?

Its friday evening here..lol 🙂  ,mostly out with family
6. A religious tradition you find unnecessary and redundant?

I adore every tradition, yes customs aren’t always acceptable.
7. One famous personality whose life strategies were similar to that of yours?

I shall have to go through their biographies first then,for I have tale of twists in my life… One thing I can say,I share my birthday with the famous NOSTRADAMUS.
8. If you can start all over again, in which stream you would like to graduate?

The science stream again! I love it anyhow!
9. What quality of your parents you would like to gain?

Patience and perseverance
10. Your first interview experience?

Splendid! Got the job as sales head straight away!
11. A mistake you would like to correct?

I wasn’t able to write an essay of  the English paper properly in my X examinations! According to everyone ,I wasn’t creative and imaginative!

Now my nominees are:

  1. Raunak http://doakonsult.wordpress.com
  2. Britton http://madylum.wordpress.com
  3. Shakti http://esgeemusings.wordpress.com
  4. Udo http://purplerays.wordpress.com
  5. JOhn Coyote http://johncoyote.wordpress.com
  6. Arjun http://arjun1097.wordpress.com
  7. Hitesh http://cameranirvana.wordpress.com/
  8. Mona http://pseudomonaz.wordpress.com
  9. Manu http://starscrutiny.wordpress.com
  10. Debaroon http://mylores.wordpress.com
  11. JK Bevill http://lostcreekpublishing.wordpress.com