Politics & Religion

IMG_20170425_214521Politics, Religion & Spiritualism should never be mixed together. Each has its own perspective and ideology. And never can the same person have similar set of these three ideologies in congruence to another.

Ideally politics should work for the growth and prosperity of a nation and its people.

Religion should bring peace and compassion along with discipline in people following any sect or religion.

Spiritualism is for individual progress and evolution of mind, body and soul irrespective of any religion.

History has always given us a reason to look back, pause for a while and introspect about the shortcomings and repercussions of so many errors done in past,but do we have the time and the heart to listen and learn?

Politics and Politicization has changed the look of the world forever. It is power and money that counts. With new players as the corporate world entering into the games of these ,it is becoming more and more futile to rely on any kind of organizational structure. Where masses gather ,there are bound to be clash of thoughts and intentions, so what is it that can change the situation? Of this world and our own nations?

Humanity – That is the sole answer and the common thread which can keep us sane and together. And will that be in form of any organization? No.

It has to be our sole conscience which will keep the essence alive .


When  slept the human through his dark nights, the world still remained the same. Nothing changed in the morning even after lot of protests staged .

Life has become insensitive and no one really cares or bothers to make an effort for the change.

Sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in hand surely does instigate many thoughts ,but which are only criticism and remarks of analytical confusion.Its an entertainment which gives an illusion of an excitement when people hear those stupid , nonsensical conversations and debates on television.

Far away from reality, those who conduct or are a part of such debates are actually untouched by the pangs of poverty and hunger.

Had they seen and experienced the real trauma of struggling through the austerities of life for years , losing out all on everything, never would they tried to such a gimmick out of nothing and holding the national audience for a ransom emotionally.

For those who watch and intently get involved in the so-called debates from their homes , are fools who love to live in the illusory world. Those who really care about the day today  issues are the ones who give in their efforts to make a difference through their work, commitment ,sincere ways and diligence.

A country known for the love of gossip can never progress unless this kind of superficial debate stops. Debates where one screams and other just laughs away is hypocritical in all respect. When trying to highlight something of national or social importance, stress should be given on conveying the message and to create awareness to bring a change and not create a melodrama out of the facts to cater the audience with a spicy update on the news-hour.

* P.S: These are strictly my views and I wish to hurt no one by giving my opinion , instead I feel , if there is an urge to bring a change in the people try sincerely with real efforts.



When the wet soil of the unkempt village turned muddy, it became very slippery and small puddles formed everywhere. The slope of the broken huts had many holes and gaps those which allowed the raindrops and then the gush of rainfall to go inside the breaking houses…

People awaited for the rain to stop and the continuous downpour had started playing havoc. Destroying the fodder of the cattle, the harvested stock too had got wet and had been damaged.

What could they all do? They couldn’t stop or control arrival nor could decide the departure of the showers.

Science has progressed a lot says everyone; the lone farmer never understood what it meant. If anything can’t be in control of ourself,what advancement is it? Since centuries, he has stood there like other farmers praying for the stopping of the rainfall.

Had the government helped him in shifting the harvested stock to a safer place ,it would not have got wet . Does constructing a cemented or pucca warehouse to stock the grains of the whole village a huge task to do, that till today the heaps of gigantic livestock is kept in the open on the mercy of the rain gods. And when it rains suddenly, it is covered by the soiled torn sheets of polythene and tarpaulins which remind of the torn condition of the country.

What a shame! When governments change, much is talked about policies,amendments ,regulations and enquiries,basic few things if done by individuals and their  collective effort can change the condition of the country forever.

The smallest unit of administration thus which has been created at the Panchayat level of village doesn’t help nor initiate,or the higher levels do not coordinate to let such changes happen in the society leading to complete failure of the whole system of administration.

But government nowadays is run by politicians, who play politics first and then take a step for the welfare of country and humanity.

Little Sonu was yet to understand all this dirty filth of life and he was making paper boats to let the white boats sail in the puddle. His tiny sails floated and went through small puddles, like a ray of hope in the darkened night of the storm.


Do you have any thought to share on this?