Politics & Religion

IMG_20170425_214521Politics, Religion & Spiritualism should never be mixed together. Each has its own perspective and ideology. And never can the same person have similar set of these three ideologies in congruence to another.

Ideally politics should work for the growth and prosperity of a nation and its people.

Religion should bring peace and compassion along with discipline in people following any sect or religion.

Spiritualism is for individual progress and evolution of mind, body and soul irrespective of any religion.

History has always given us a reason to look back, pause for a while and introspect about the shortcomings and repercussions of so many errors done in past,but do we have the time and the heart to listen and learn?

Politics and Politicization has changed the look of the world forever. It is power and money that counts. With new players as the corporate world entering into the games of these ,it is becoming more and more futile to rely on any kind of organizational structure. Where masses gather ,there are bound to be clash of thoughts and intentions, so what is it that can change the situation? Of this world and our own nations?

Humanity – That is the sole answer and the common thread which can keep us sane and together. And will that be in form of any organization? No.

It has to be our sole conscience which will keep the essence alive .


A perspective can change everything. A particular situation can have different meaning for different people.




A painter exclaims, “Wow! What an amazing contrast of colors in life”.

A scientist deduces,” This is the basic fundamental of aerodynamics and fluid mechanics. We should learn all the pros and cons from this bird’s flight, before designing a better aircraft.”

A poet wonders, “What a beauty, the scene depicts, the bird soaring amidst clouds trying to reach the peak.”

A woman sings, “Oh! How I wish I could fly as high as the bird with my wings spread by, without any destination.”

A politician screams, “Ah! That silly bird, how far does it think it can fly. It doesn’t know me, what can I do to the blue sky.”

A prisoner laments, “Hope I get to see the clouds moving and can fly freely as this bird under the open sky.”

A hunter whispers, “O!  an easy prey for me today. Wait until I catch you, there’s a net ahead to trap you.”

A follower of spiritual path, “O! How great is my Lord! He who can color the sky azure and make the tiny bird fly.” It’s his creation, how blessed I am to witness his grace before I die.”

A child gazes at the beautiful bird flying above in the clouds and smiles with innocence. It neither thinks nor analyzes but instead enjoys the moment of happiness.

So what is your perspective when you look at things?


Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes.

With small ideas, a gigantic outcome can be seen,with smaller efforts a big change can be done. It is all in the mind and the determination in action, nothing is impossible ,what we have thought in our mind , even yet unseen.

The core part
The core part
The functional core




A tale of a flight speaks here in the pictures which form the core parts of an aircraft making!

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge – Threes | Still Times – Our China and Life Adventures
  2. Three shots and one story | A Journey Called Life …
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes – 3 shots of one Walkway | littlegirlstory
  4. This means YOU! | Making Life an Art
  5. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Geophilia Photography
  6. Threes – WPhotoC | Ouch!! My back hurts!!
  7. Weekly photo challenge: Threes | thoughts and entanglements
  8. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Les Petits Pas de Juls
  9. Passing a bridge… | Foto Challenge
  10. Eastern Sky Lit By the Sunset (3 Photos) | On the Streets of San Francisco
  11. Weekly Photo Challenge: A Story in Threes | 2812 photography
  12. Three Hawks (without photos of hawks – oops) | follow your nose
  13. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Arl’s World
  14. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Good Intentions, Bad Follow-Through
  15. Weekly Photo Challenge ~ Triples | DCTdesigns Creative Canvas
  16. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Snap and Chomp
  17. Knock before entering | Beyond the Brush

Life- A journey

Someone asked  what is it that makes you love travelling?

I was surprised and taken aback by the question. Is there any charm in sitting in a corner of a world enjoying a cup of coffee and tea every morning form the same set of cup and saucer ,watching the same panoramic view everyday ?Isn’t life more than this? Or is it just the comfort that we crave for? Do we hate changes or are we so afraid of the changes that occur around us, that we do not take the risk of stepping out of our fixed and permanent dwelling?

Our planet is the only one which until now supports life and is a place of enchanting landscapes and facets of nature.

Stepping out of the walls of our house,village,town,city or country ,shall make us believe what we missed by not traveling to the innumerable places.

Nature has abundance love and serenity to offer and any journey to its midst  shall rejuvenate our senses . Even if we travel to a nearby temple or a historical place,every such journey is informative,exciting, exhilarating and interesting .

It is the main  characteristic of a being to travel,the soul travels through several girths of births to ultimately be on earth . It is the continous journey that evolves one,whether by mind,body or soul.

Life is one such journey which gives us an opportunity to be closer to one of the glorious creations of the creator ,the  beautiful nature . This journey of life is an upheaval one with numerous tides and storms . Every step and travel teaches us a different aspect and truth about life.Had it been a static action and not a dynamic one,we would have become stagnant as the scum floating over the still waters .

It’s the flow,the run,which makes the river and the stream alluring and keeps it clean and pure. The flow is incessant and endless until it meets the gigantic ocean.

It’s the blooming of a bud which makes it beautiful ,had there been only buds or flowers instantly ,it would have been the most boring thing to watch everyday.

The process through which the bud blossoms into a delicate flower is a journey of that bud.

Like the birds flying high in the sky,who soar in search of food and shelter. It is the dynamism, the motion of life that makes it more appealing and reverberating.

Had a sound wave never traveled, the classic piece of melody could have never been formed! And Music would have never been created!

The eternal truth of this life is to travel to the destination, in life whether for work,pleasure,peace or adventure.



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I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words 8th – 14th December 2013. http://writetribe.com/travel/

vecchio libro con stilografica

Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light!.

Light is an universal and eternal source which dispels darkness of any form!!


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Ignorance is darkness and every light that shines illuminates the way!

Other related articles:

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let there be Light! | travelicius
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | timzauto…. in search of the blond haired kid
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | Uncle Spike’s Adventures
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | A mom’s blog
  5. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | Life of a Minister Mom
  6. Unexpected Light | the terrain of symmetry
  7. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light | Memory Catcher
  8. WPC Let there be light | Photography & Writing
  9. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | Cee’s Photography
  10. Fire in the Delta | The (Urban-Wildlife) Interface
  11. Sky High Light in Kauai | Jaspa’s Journal
  12. Let There Be Light! | Empire of Lights
  13. Weekly Photo Challenge: Light | A Picture a Day, Keeps the Something Something
  14. The City of Lights | My Play Nook
  15. Israel 1970′s: אריה ברק וגיא | Cardinal Guzman
  16. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let there be Light | paintedwords
  17. Weekly Photo Challenge: Light | How are you? …Good
  18. light source | yi-ching lin photography
  19. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light | Light Words
  20. Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light! | Bams’ Blog


There’s some magic in the air.

The same breeze which blew everyday carries a new fragrance,or is it the old scent of the falling flowers? The advent of the spring with love or the advent of love in silent steps as spring of the season.

Whatever ,the world is a mystical place now, with beautiful chandeliers of the old times,glowing and illuminating the once stranded path.The hanging charismatic memories burning as the lanterns of pendants.

Love blooms again in silence ,the fragrance in the diffused atmosphere is the same,whether years ago,or today .

Time cannot hold back the moment once  it arrives with a blossom .


Weekly Photo Challenge: From Lines to Patterns

a hotel wall from outside
artwork in etching on glass
fort wall of ancient times of dubai fort.


Weekly Photo Challenge: From Lines to Patterns.


What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

Daily Prompt: Luxurious.

Won’t  it be great when we own everything that we desire for or wish of possessing !!!

Simultaneously it is as boring as a dead bird,for our dreams die the moment we acquire it…Life is a beautiful journey which continuous to excite and enthrall us with its ever surprising bends and incidents.The adventure of crossing such unseen hurdles and reaching the top has its own enjoyment.

Ever thought ,why mountaineering or trekking is exciting and interesting,for we  view the world around us with a  different perspective  while walking on the path . The courage of moving without looking back , the fearless thought of reaching the peak adds to our character a dab of dynamism. The scenery which we perceive  looks  new and charming. We enjoy every level of the difficult path and our each breath to the fullest. The enthusiasm to attain the goal is more while we are struggling to accomplish it than when we actually reach it.

It is this effort that drives us on the path of our life with zeal.The luxuries of life can provide comfort to our physical body for sometime ,but in long run they fail to keep our zest . The essence lies within ,the  happiness that we feel and experience is the most treasured and cannot be bought .It is in fact a luxury.

For luxury doesn’t mean to acquire something by paying money for it. It is n’t the cushion on the cuddling sofa,or the lampshade at the corner,neither the penthouse in a posh locality,nor the swimming pool inside the apartment that gives us immense pleasure…

it is the life ,the fresh breath of life which is the true luxury!

For my soul, ” To breathe freely, is to live in luxury!

It is the sense of excitement that we get from small things which gives us the extreme satisfaction and contentment.

Imagine  what a luxury it would be ,to sleep amidst the tulips,watching the clouds float over the blue skies,the butterflies dancing on the fingers and the soft breeze swaying the hair.A tiny cottage  of wood,where fresh air would be the exotic air conditioner and chirping of birds would be the song of the morning different for every season…


  1. Daily Prompt: Luxurious – Not only a matter of money. | ~★ SAIL AWAY ★~
  2. A hint of luxury | 2 times pink
  3. Luxurious | Rebecca Barray
  4. one sip, two bites | yi-ching lin photography
  5. becoming timeless | y
  6. Daily prompt: luxurious | Life the universe and depression
  7. Luxuries I Can’t Live Without (Part I) | Club 30
  8. Luxuries I Can’t Live Without (Part I) | Club 30
  9. Daily Prompt: Luxurious – Manicured Nails | Hotel Goddess
  10. Luxury comes in so many forms… | gaurimaini
  11. Weekend Chatter | Waiting on a Word
  12. Daily Prompt: Luxurious – Wildlife | horsesofthesun

Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge – Feel

Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.—Kevyn Aucoin

“We are what we choose in life,we become what we feel about life”.

An invisible force which touches the innermost core of our heart  and causes upheaval , yet remains unseen, neither can we deny its existence nor can we reject its feel!

Bandar Kuala Lumpur-20120818-00639


Enjoy the other entries to this challenge here!

Ese’s Weekly Shoot & Quote Challenge – Feel.