“REPERCUSSION OF ITEM SONGS” – Listen to what a Mother says!

Here is the most debatable topic of today which has hit me too with its depth! We are all aware of the critical conditions of women living in India where every day there is news of rape or molestation many of which are not even reported.

Few days ago there was a general discussion going where people blamed the Indian cinema to be responsible for the ongoing situation of our country.

Obviously people from Bollywood did oppose this and gave a splendid explanation to it.

The look and the presentation of Indian cinema has changed a lot since its birth where in today it stands globally with movies getting released worldwide and having a wide audience all around the world. It has been 100 years of Indian cinema and there are numerous celebrations going on for it. For an audience which is spread internationally, there has to be something which appeals one and all to run the cost and to gain profits besides rendering art.

Our art segment which makes films different form the mainstream continually strives everyday to fight against the commercialization of art.

Art in any form if commercialized beyond the aesthetic sense appears vulgar. There is then no limit or borderline too such a creativity. Whether it should be termed as creativity or fantasy is a question really thinkable?

But never the less the way Indian movies have added item numbers or similar songs in the movies they seem to be very hungry for the attention of audience. As if without such songs it wasn’t possible to entertain the audience.

Leave aside the fact that entertainment can be anything and be of any type. We live in a free society and have freedom to watch anything or express myself. All these are mere reasons to convince self and not solid reasons to justify inclusion of such immoral acts.

We are free to choose what to see and what not, but our children and the teenagers do not have the same sense to distinguish what is right and wrong. Whether a movie gets an “A” certificate or and “UA” as parental guidance, the songs are very freely telecasted on channels available on television. The beats are catchy and the lyrics horribly vulgar, but due to these catchy tunes, they become the favorite of our children who are the primary viewers of TV nowadays. The age ranges from 2 to 16 yrs for after this age every child usually gets busier in his/her studies and concentrates more on career making or any other professional course or strives for a  normal way of living and survival.

I too enjoy the songs but with a fear in my mind what effect will this have on my son and my daughter who are going to be the responsible adults of tomorrow. Are we giving them good example of being a adult who will be morally right? Not that only these numbers are responsible for this, there are many umpteen reasons including the advertisements that are continuously shown on TV. But Iam considering just a single topic here!

Just watch these clips and realize what goes inside the mind of a child or a growing teenager when he watches this! No wonder there are enough songs available nowadays online and also on television.




There are endless different things catered too freely on the internet and elsewhere, but does that justify our liking for indecent immoral behavior of our children when they step out in this world and try to copy such acts .

No wonder cases will always increase in rape and molestation when this is what is seen by millions, who is always consider the actors to be their idols !

Be a actress gyrating to vulgar steps with a notorious gangster,or group of actors teasing and wooing a single girl in a song!

This crucial time or age where the child develops his intelligence ,steps out of innocence and sees the world with a new perspective gets to see this every time and everywhere around. He notices the glamour and the glitch behind remains hidden. He tries to copy the behavior  of the so called idols of India, the actors and stars.

For a teenager, for a child such an exposure is detrimental as it invokes a certain level of misconceived adulation inside for the immoral actions.

Many have often reason to say that we should be free with our children and should give them the basic education regarding the unspoken taboos. But is this the real education, that we need to impart to our children. It is not about the people who are watching and enjoying this as a form of entertainment but it is the children who are watching and getting influenced by such derogatory and explicit actions.

Every mother should worry about the situation this creates when her child watches such a song and enjoys it without knowing its actual meaning and repercussions. For the music is now defamed by usage of such lyrics and dance steps.

Earlier such dances were a part done by vamps and the heroines always had a cleaner image to present,but nowadays the female leads have become more crazier to get involved in these thereby confusing the young minds who until now believed good should be different form bad and hence idolized the good character of a film.

Remember cinema is the real image of society and society too is the real image of cinema. Both are equally responsible for the wrongdoings in the society and are answerable to every citizen of India.

Just to say that movies are  a part of entertainment and it is us who have to decide whether we like it or not, is a mere explanation and does not excuse the people from their responsibility.

Music has always been considered divine by us. The effect of the musical instruments or the vocals ,it has the power to heal the ill and to rejuvenate the dull minds. Our music has a wide range  to effect the minds and hearts of the audience of the world.

If only we could use better lyrics, presentable dances to make it more worthy, a small change can be a cause to save millions of more soft innocent minds from falling into ravines ! 

With due respect the the fraternity of Indian cinema ,I would like to ask everyone to think for a moment and realize!

P.S . I avoided posting pictures about the same ,as it meant I too provoked the audience by posting those scenes.

The discussion is endless but efforts are always worth trying to forbid the worse!

WRITING CHALLENGE:The Devil is in the details


The clock  strikes 9 and its a chilled foggy morning with visibility reduced to 100 meters and a distinct alarm of the old timepiece on the wall  rings!

A man in his early forties with a slight tinge of greyish hair around his ears,wearing a light grey suit with distinct handsome features walks across the silent corridor between the compactly made glass cubicles,where in the people have flocked and occupied their places.

He enters the conference hall on the same floor around the corner  like a fresh gust of air!

There is a meeting called for the board of directors and the top management executives.

As everyone gets seated,the place looks filled with people of different characters,personalities and traits running an organization together.

Few look old,tired ,bored and messed up.Some have a facial expression of having a zeal and enthusiasm to accept any challenge given forth to them.One or two are complete expressionless about their presentability and reactions making them look like snobs and arrogant members.

As the meeting proceeds ,each goes on well with his presentation regarding his field of work,the targets given and the figures achieved.Comparing statistics ,mentioning and marking the growth alongwith the profit they have contributed as individuals to the organization.

Seeing the sales reports of the company ,the board isn’t happy nor satisfied with the results .

The real process starts now of blaming  the executives and the main management of the organization for not dealing  properly with the various factors and unheedingly ignoring and neglecting the basic facts.

The management team tries to explain its position that as all the employess on the middle management level are new,as the old ones  left and few had been sacked due to  certain discrepancies,so it would take sometime to stabilize the system and its functions.

The chairman ,an aged man is too buffed up with the situation.The CEO of the company,a middle aged man , known for his intellectual tactics too is tight lipped for any further commitment.

Suddenly in the middle of the conversation,the gentleman in grey suit,who had been silent after presenting his report gets up to speak.

Reopening the statistical reports,he  points out ,”We haven’t achieved our quarterly targets doesn’t mean or imply that we won’t be able to achieve the yearly figures.The graph clearly shows the year on year growth of this quarter in the summary.If a significant growth has happened through the years and also during the present year when we had so many drastic changes in the system,it is ought to grow more in the next quarter till the completion of the financial year.”

There is a pindrop silence in the hall and a smile is seen on the face of the chairman.

Writing Challenge: the Devil is in the Details.