In the long flight of living, it has been a tussle , a whole long transformation of ruffling feathers , plucking old ones, growing the new ,trying to still maintain the speed and focus of flying with all energy and magnitude and in this journey, many a times wounded get the   wings, bruised are ends , where hardly one gets time to repair, mend or let the wounds dry.

The journey goes on without stopping, with every bend bringing more challenges and showing more impermanence of life.



Unachievable goals, difficult roads, storms , or hovering clouds, thorns pushing out of every circumstances often shred the skin in ways where one tries to protect the family keeping  them intact.

Hardly all these such efforts are realized , the fact is the zeal to move forward, the confidence of fighting inspite of not being acknowledged, the selfless support and patience of 24 hours extending to 7 days and 12 months a year continuously exhausts the energy of self.
There are moments when the flight seems the last , the faraway sky seems to embrace our pains and struggles, yet the closed ones near us never realize or notice.
The long exhausting journey wishes moments of understanding, some moments of realization which remain unnoticed and unheeded.
The long laps of flight turn the wings weak, which cannot hold the rough weathers now, due to continous exposure to rough weathers and because never did they been cleaned, covered, given rest .
A life too depletes such with negligence when all paths suddenly turn down and forget to let the soul breathe.




It is a transformation to break free from all shackles, from all chains that have pulled the wings in different directions, letting the bird to forget it’s own flight and instead follow the journey of survival.

It is time ,to mend ways, to realize, to know, to understand, to see through, to accept  this struggle .

As an eagle too can live upto 70 years and for that it has to go through the painful process of transformation after 40 years.
Either one fights self, wins , overcomes and then survives as a fighter and warrior of life or else succumbs to surroundings and gets eroded in the flood of life .

This isn’t the fear of physical pain , it is the transformation that  creates turbulence within, either leading to a rebirth of self or leading to the  usual  end .


Man or Woman ,everyone has an equal right to live in this world. The killings of the unborn child after knowing the gender to be female is a heinous act of inhumanity. Foeticide or infanticide is a serious problem with our society,specially in India,where women or girls are considered less and a burden on the family.

Change the attitude and the thought process ,the kind which shall lead our country to an abyss.

Every human has a right to live and breathe!

Read the article on the unborn girl child which was on Worldpulse.


The tiny star

The tiny star in the dark blue sky twinkled beyond the sparkle of others. The rest of the cluster stared and gave it a stern look.
Asked one of them, “ What makes you shine more brilliantly in the darker night? You’re so small, how can you then stand out so exclusively”?
“We are the rulers of this night sky and the world is on our mercy on a moonless night. Hold back your shine and do not reflect more.”
Timidly the tiny star smiled and said,

“My heart is clear like a crystal,
my thoughts transparent and true,
my soul glitters like a diamond,
as I bow to the maker of this Universe
for gracing me with this place
in the heaven blue”

I have no power to withheld back my shimmer,as I am born to spread the radiance all around with same intensity and splendor.

“Who I am to curb the light
That is bestowed on me
By the God of Life.”

Suroor of the Soul 2013


As the year 2013 wraps itself in the memories of the events that occurred during the whole year and gets in the celebration mood of CHRISTMAS in few days from now, I have a news to share with all of you.

The most awaited moment is here,the launch of our poetry book  ,  ” Suroor of the Soul” at India International Centre,Delhi on 21st Dec 2013.All are cordially invited to grace the occasion and be a part of the wonderful journey.


It has not been long since “Suroor ” was published on Amazon and received a wide and touching response from everyone who has read the book. The thought behind “Suroor ” was intense and it delved deep into insights regarding the journey of a soul which wanders on earth in search of true happiness.

We all are such souls,seeking happiness in every dream,ambition and path of life ,yet we fail to experience the true feeling of it.This book dwells in such a voyage through a poetic form reflecting the real experiences of human on earth.

You can visit the website of “Suroor of the Soul” to read more about the reviews,interviews and updates regarding the topic which we  think has endless and limitless expeditions.


With Best Wishes,

Soumya and Shaheen

My interview by Uzoma!

Here is the link to an interview of mine done by Uzoma Okoroafer! It was regarding the recent book  release”Suroor of the Soul” and a dialogue to have an insight about the same!


Its disheartening to see the world going in a such a haywire.A continuous state of unrest is observed everywhere around the world.Be it any country or region,the restless and the impatient mind which assumes to take over the power simply by exerting pressure and suppressing the weaker is the predominant  feature of every society,caste,politics and nation.It is a chaos which has deafened us from within!
The religious clerics forget that before they preach hatred for another caste or religion,they have to teach how to love each other and god. The word love seems to be completely wiped away from today’s life.As if it was only left for the romantic lovers to cite as in the quotes,as they too have lost the importance of the real value.I know it feels so saddened when we see and hear small kids and youngster developing an imaginary hatred against anyone without even knowing what they are thinking and doing.
The older generation who guides them is to be blamed for we haven’t shown them the right path.
People are more busier in earning the lavish lifestyle for their children forgetting the fact that their kids need more of attention and love.As if the main aim of living is to run around for the whole life ,ignoring the relations and the family,to ultimately live in a luxurious place after getting retired.
Little do we realize about what is happening around in our society and not even bothered to peek into the lives of our dear ones.
On a larger scale,minds of everyone have got deteriorated and no one holds a true or a consistent view about anything. the feeble minds get lost easily in the long speeches of the politically motivated ones or the religious ignited sparks.
Balance of thoughts if isn’t visible in the elders ,what do we expect from our younger generation?
Instead people from politics,religious heads have used and exploited the young minds for their selfish needs.

Every country is in a state of disarray,for every mind now is in a state of mess. Having forgotten the values and the real meaning of life,this is bound to happen.The situation getting more alarming and the race of mankind getting more aloof from the sense of affection and love…