When  slept the human through his dark nights, the world still remained the same. Nothing changed in the morning even after lot of protests staged .

Life has become insensitive and no one really cares or bothers to make an effort for the change.

Sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in hand surely does instigate many thoughts ,but which are only criticism and remarks of analytical confusion.Its an entertainment which gives an illusion of an excitement when people hear those stupid , nonsensical conversations and debates on television.

Far away from reality, those who conduct or are a part of such debates are actually untouched by the pangs of poverty and hunger.

Had they seen and experienced the real trauma of struggling through the austerities of life for years , losing out all on everything, never would they tried to such a gimmick out of nothing and holding the national audience for a ransom emotionally.

For those who watch and intently get involved in the so-called debates from their homes , are fools who love to live in the illusory world. Those who really care about the day today  issues are the ones who give in their efforts to make a difference through their work, commitment ,sincere ways and diligence.

A country known for the love of gossip can never progress unless this kind of superficial debate stops. Debates where one screams and other just laughs away is hypocritical in all respect. When trying to highlight something of national or social importance, stress should be given on conveying the message and to create awareness to bring a change and not create a melodrama out of the facts to cater the audience with a spicy update on the news-hour.

* P.S: These are strictly my views and I wish to hurt no one by giving my opinion , instead I feel , if there is an urge to bring a change in the people try sincerely with real efforts.


Man or Woman ,everyone has an equal right to live in this world. The killings of the unborn child after knowing the gender to be female is a heinous act of inhumanity. Foeticide or infanticide is a serious problem with our society,specially in India,where women or girls are considered less and a burden on the family.

Change the attitude and the thought process ,the kind which shall lead our country to an abyss.

Every human has a right to live and breathe!

Read the article on the unborn girl child which was on Worldpulse.




When the wet soil of the unkempt village turned muddy, it became very slippery and small puddles formed everywhere. The slope of the broken huts had many holes and gaps those which allowed the raindrops and then the gush of rainfall to go inside the breaking houses…

People awaited for the rain to stop and the continuous downpour had started playing havoc. Destroying the fodder of the cattle, the harvested stock too had got wet and had been damaged.

What could they all do? They couldn’t stop or control arrival nor could decide the departure of the showers.

Science has progressed a lot says everyone; the lone farmer never understood what it meant. If anything can’t be in control of ourself,what advancement is it? Since centuries, he has stood there like other farmers praying for the stopping of the rainfall.

Had the government helped him in shifting the harvested stock to a safer place ,it would not have got wet . Does constructing a cemented or pucca warehouse to stock the grains of the whole village a huge task to do, that till today the heaps of gigantic livestock is kept in the open on the mercy of the rain gods. And when it rains suddenly, it is covered by the soiled torn sheets of polythene and tarpaulins which remind of the torn condition of the country.

What a shame! When governments change, much is talked about policies,amendments ,regulations and enquiries,basic few things if done by individuals and their  collective effort can change the condition of the country forever.

The smallest unit of administration thus which has been created at the Panchayat level of village doesn’t help nor initiate,or the higher levels do not coordinate to let such changes happen in the society leading to complete failure of the whole system of administration.

But government nowadays is run by politicians, who play politics first and then take a step for the welfare of country and humanity.

Little Sonu was yet to understand all this dirty filth of life and he was making paper boats to let the white boats sail in the puddle. His tiny sails floated and went through small puddles, like a ray of hope in the darkened night of the storm.


Do you have any thought to share on this?

17th January 2013

There has been a change in scenario in the past few days in Indian politics. Let it be the new power packed speech by Rahul Gandhi, or the storming invasion by the law minister of Delhi of  an area,which allegedly was running a sex and drug racket, for which he didn’t get any police support. The sudden death ofSsunanda Pushkar wife of Shashi Tharoor after few days controversy on social media about hacking accounts and stalking her husband. Be it the demise of the spiritual leader in Mumbai and the stampede that occurred during his funeral or the death of an old actress Suchitra Sen . The day in Indian history will be surely important for days to come which shall remind us of this day when we look back after few months from now. The fate and the future of India when  be decided in the forthcoming elections will remind us back of this particular day which marked its presence by so many colours and shades of politics so intensely.


When will they realize, the people of India that a girl is as valuable and equal as a boy ?

When will they stop killing the innocent unborn child who sleeps silently inside the mother’s womb unaware of the intention of  people  who are waiting for her end?

Seeing the cruel faces and gruesome thoughts of her own people ,she dies of agony ,even before the minuscule is killed.

Rise from the narrow thinking of the false traditions and value the life of a being.

O! people of India,who worship the goddess as the deity ,respect the one who is still unborn and needs your  love as much as a boy does!

This excerpt is derived from a post of mine written of worldpulse in voice for  the violence against women.



I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words 8th – 14th December 2013 http://writetribe.com/people/

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Life- A journey

Someone asked  what is it that makes you love travelling?

I was surprised and taken aback by the question. Is there any charm in sitting in a corner of a world enjoying a cup of coffee and tea every morning form the same set of cup and saucer ,watching the same panoramic view everyday ?Isn’t life more than this? Or is it just the comfort that we crave for? Do we hate changes or are we so afraid of the changes that occur around us, that we do not take the risk of stepping out of our fixed and permanent dwelling?

Our planet is the only one which until now supports life and is a place of enchanting landscapes and facets of nature.

Stepping out of the walls of our house,village,town,city or country ,shall make us believe what we missed by not traveling to the innumerable places.

Nature has abundance love and serenity to offer and any journey to its midst  shall rejuvenate our senses . Even if we travel to a nearby temple or a historical place,every such journey is informative,exciting, exhilarating and interesting .

It is the main  characteristic of a being to travel,the soul travels through several girths of births to ultimately be on earth . It is the continous journey that evolves one,whether by mind,body or soul.

Life is one such journey which gives us an opportunity to be closer to one of the glorious creations of the creator ,the  beautiful nature . This journey of life is an upheaval one with numerous tides and storms . Every step and travel teaches us a different aspect and truth about life.Had it been a static action and not a dynamic one,we would have become stagnant as the scum floating over the still waters .

It’s the flow,the run,which makes the river and the stream alluring and keeps it clean and pure. The flow is incessant and endless until it meets the gigantic ocean.

It’s the blooming of a bud which makes it beautiful ,had there been only buds or flowers instantly ,it would have been the most boring thing to watch everyday.

The process through which the bud blossoms into a delicate flower is a journey of that bud.

Like the birds flying high in the sky,who soar in search of food and shelter. It is the dynamism, the motion of life that makes it more appealing and reverberating.

Had a sound wave never traveled, the classic piece of melody could have never been formed! And Music would have never been created!

The eternal truth of this life is to travel to the destination, in life whether for work,pleasure,peace or adventure.



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I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words 8th – 14th December 2013. http://writetribe.com/travel/

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“REPERCUSSION OF ITEM SONGS” – Listen to what a Mother says!

Here is the most debatable topic of today which has hit me too with its depth! We are all aware of the critical conditions of women living in India where every day there is news of rape or molestation many of which are not even reported.

Few days ago there was a general discussion going where people blamed the Indian cinema to be responsible for the ongoing situation of our country.

Obviously people from Bollywood did oppose this and gave a splendid explanation to it.

The look and the presentation of Indian cinema has changed a lot since its birth where in today it stands globally with movies getting released worldwide and having a wide audience all around the world. It has been 100 years of Indian cinema and there are numerous celebrations going on for it. For an audience which is spread internationally, there has to be something which appeals one and all to run the cost and to gain profits besides rendering art.

Our art segment which makes films different form the mainstream continually strives everyday to fight against the commercialization of art.

Art in any form if commercialized beyond the aesthetic sense appears vulgar. There is then no limit or borderline too such a creativity. Whether it should be termed as creativity or fantasy is a question really thinkable?

But never the less the way Indian movies have added item numbers or similar songs in the movies they seem to be very hungry for the attention of audience. As if without such songs it wasn’t possible to entertain the audience.

Leave aside the fact that entertainment can be anything and be of any type. We live in a free society and have freedom to watch anything or express myself. All these are mere reasons to convince self and not solid reasons to justify inclusion of such immoral acts.

We are free to choose what to see and what not, but our children and the teenagers do not have the same sense to distinguish what is right and wrong. Whether a movie gets an “A” certificate or and “UA” as parental guidance, the songs are very freely telecasted on channels available on television. The beats are catchy and the lyrics horribly vulgar, but due to these catchy tunes, they become the favorite of our children who are the primary viewers of TV nowadays. The age ranges from 2 to 16 yrs for after this age every child usually gets busier in his/her studies and concentrates more on career making or any other professional course or strives for a  normal way of living and survival.

I too enjoy the songs but with a fear in my mind what effect will this have on my son and my daughter who are going to be the responsible adults of tomorrow. Are we giving them good example of being a adult who will be morally right? Not that only these numbers are responsible for this, there are many umpteen reasons including the advertisements that are continuously shown on TV. But Iam considering just a single topic here!

Just watch these clips and realize what goes inside the mind of a child or a growing teenager when he watches this! No wonder there are enough songs available nowadays online and also on television.




There are endless different things catered too freely on the internet and elsewhere, but does that justify our liking for indecent immoral behavior of our children when they step out in this world and try to copy such acts .

No wonder cases will always increase in rape and molestation when this is what is seen by millions, who is always consider the actors to be their idols !

Be a actress gyrating to vulgar steps with a notorious gangster,or group of actors teasing and wooing a single girl in a song!

This crucial time or age where the child develops his intelligence ,steps out of innocence and sees the world with a new perspective gets to see this every time and everywhere around. He notices the glamour and the glitch behind remains hidden. He tries to copy the behavior  of the so called idols of India, the actors and stars.

For a teenager, for a child such an exposure is detrimental as it invokes a certain level of misconceived adulation inside for the immoral actions.

Many have often reason to say that we should be free with our children and should give them the basic education regarding the unspoken taboos. But is this the real education, that we need to impart to our children. It is not about the people who are watching and enjoying this as a form of entertainment but it is the children who are watching and getting influenced by such derogatory and explicit actions.

Every mother should worry about the situation this creates when her child watches such a song and enjoys it without knowing its actual meaning and repercussions. For the music is now defamed by usage of such lyrics and dance steps.

Earlier such dances were a part done by vamps and the heroines always had a cleaner image to present,but nowadays the female leads have become more crazier to get involved in these thereby confusing the young minds who until now believed good should be different form bad and hence idolized the good character of a film.

Remember cinema is the real image of society and society too is the real image of cinema. Both are equally responsible for the wrongdoings in the society and are answerable to every citizen of India.

Just to say that movies are  a part of entertainment and it is us who have to decide whether we like it or not, is a mere explanation and does not excuse the people from their responsibility.

Music has always been considered divine by us. The effect of the musical instruments or the vocals ,it has the power to heal the ill and to rejuvenate the dull minds. Our music has a wide range  to effect the minds and hearts of the audience of the world.

If only we could use better lyrics, presentable dances to make it more worthy, a small change can be a cause to save millions of more soft innocent minds from falling into ravines ! 

With due respect the the fraternity of Indian cinema ,I would like to ask everyone to think for a moment and realize!

P.S . I avoided posting pictures about the same ,as it meant I too provoked the audience by posting those scenes.

The discussion is endless but efforts are always worth trying to forbid the worse!