Politics & Religion

IMG_20170425_214521Politics, Religion & Spiritualism should never be mixed together. Each has its own perspective and ideology. And never can the same person have similar set of these three ideologies in congruence to another.

Ideally politics should work for the growth and prosperity of a nation and its people.

Religion should bring peace and compassion along with discipline in people following any sect or religion.

Spiritualism is for individual progress and evolution of mind, body and soul irrespective of any religion.

History has always given us a reason to look back, pause for a while and introspect about the shortcomings and repercussions of so many errors done in past,but do we have the time and the heart to listen and learn?

Politics and Politicization has changed the look of the world forever. It is power and money that counts. With new players as the corporate world entering into the games of these ,it is becoming more and more futile to rely on any kind of organizational structure. Where masses gather ,there are bound to be clash of thoughts and intentions, so what is it that can change the situation? Of this world and our own nations?

Humanity – That is the sole answer and the common thread which can keep us sane and together. And will that be in form of any organization? No.

It has to be our sole conscience which will keep the essence alive .

Let us gather the scattered dust

Life is impermanent and so is everything in the world! It doesn’t take more than weeks to transform a living place into a realm of  mourning prayers .

Last few years have seen the worst when disaster has stuck Syria, leaving the historical and beautiful cities of Syria into a land of ashes and crumbled buildings. The ruins speak of a rich and glorious past yet today they are in mud. Every such country which has echoed its broad-mindedness and grace of embracing the balance of life is slowly turning into a different land .

How I wish, life had been simple without the politics of power and the conflicts of mind and riches? A common man is worried more about his daily bread and is far away from the politicization of created and misrepresented news , yet the continous harping of wrong inputs and distorted facts have ignited minds into flames which can burn the world without doing good for any,yet the ones who hold the matchstick to this pyre are unmoved.

Remember if a hand tries to burn somebody else’s house, his own shelter gets burnt,it is the law of nature, devastation brings destruction for one and all.

It is too late to realize and gather the scattered pieces of this maze which can bring peace together,but let us hope this sense shall prevail soon.





Story Awards

Whoever you are, wherever you are, World Pulse believes it’s time for your voice to be heard!

World Pulse publishes stories sourced directly from you, our community of changemakers. Every week, we release new calls for stories to get you talking about the issues that matter most. We believe everyone has a story to share, and that the world will be a better place when women are heard.

WorldPulse is currently running Story awards opportunities. See here : https://www.worldpulse.com/en/voices-rising/story-awards

With every contribution, real stories and new ideas rise from the ground up. New audiences are inspired to connect with you and take action, and lives are changed through the power of voice.

  • Your story stands to get featured on Time e magazine .
  • You may be selected for a $100 honorarium
  • You may become a featured storyteller on WorldPulse.

WORLDPULSE is a  growing social network connecting over 25,000 people from 190 countries with one mission: to create a world where all women thrive—one click, one comment, one connection at a time.

Read one of my stories recognized by Worldpulse about Sisterhood /mentorship.



SAFECITY- A unique mapping platform

“UN Women states that 1 in 3 women face some kind of sexual assault at least once in their lifetime. But in our experience, the statistic in India seems to be extremely high. A rape occurs every 20 mins in India.Yet most women and girls do not talk about this abuse for a multiple of reasons – fear of society, culture, victim blaming, fear of police, tedious formal procedures etc. As a result women keep silent and this data is not captured anywhere but the perpetrator gets bolder over time and we accept it as part of our daily routine. This leads to under communication and under reporting of the issue”speaks Elsa D’Silva,founder of SafeCity when asked about the role of this mapping site.

SAFECITY is a a platform that crowdsources personal stories of sexual harassment and abuse in public spaces and the data which is anonymous, gets aggregated as hot spots on a map indicating trends at a local level. The idea is to make this data useful for individuals, local communities and local administration to identify factors that causes behaviour that leads to violence and work on strategies for solutions.Since its launch on 26 Dec 2012 it has collected close to 10,000 stories from over 50 cities in India, Kenya, Cameroon and Nepal.

It is known that women aren’t safe when they are moving, traveling, commuting or sometimes even near their own houses due to various factors of harassment. There hasn’t been any such kind of initiative in India which led to an united platform to act against this kind of behaviour.

Read about the whole report on https://www.worldpulse.com/en/community/groups/leadership-group/posts/69663

For any kind of emergency ,contact the helpline links

Twitter for discussion – @pinthecreep

Twitter for reporting sexual violence – @SafecityIndia  #SafecityIndia

Facebook – www.facebook.com/safecity.in

Instagram – pinthecreep

Missed call (India) – +91 9015 510 510



When  slept the human through his dark nights, the world still remained the same. Nothing changed in the morning even after lot of protests staged .

Life has become insensitive and no one really cares or bothers to make an effort for the change.

Sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in hand surely does instigate many thoughts ,but which are only criticism and remarks of analytical confusion.Its an entertainment which gives an illusion of an excitement when people hear those stupid , nonsensical conversations and debates on television.

Far away from reality, those who conduct or are a part of such debates are actually untouched by the pangs of poverty and hunger.

Had they seen and experienced the real trauma of struggling through the austerities of life for years , losing out all on everything, never would they tried to such a gimmick out of nothing and holding the national audience for a ransom emotionally.

For those who watch and intently get involved in the so-called debates from their homes , are fools who love to live in the illusory world. Those who really care about the day today  issues are the ones who give in their efforts to make a difference through their work, commitment ,sincere ways and diligence.

A country known for the love of gossip can never progress unless this kind of superficial debate stops. Debates where one screams and other just laughs away is hypocritical in all respect. When trying to highlight something of national or social importance, stress should be given on conveying the message and to create awareness to bring a change and not create a melodrama out of the facts to cater the audience with a spicy update on the news-hour.

* P.S: These are strictly my views and I wish to hurt no one by giving my opinion , instead I feel , if there is an urge to bring a change in the people try sincerely with real efforts.

Nations prosper ,when women have power !

She who makes your family, she who rears you since childhood has every right to get connected to the strings of learning.When every household thinks alike as such and tries to introduce the basics of learning internet to the women of the house, knowledge shall spread and countries will prosper.
Barring her the freedom of choice and her right to learn , we can see many nations fallen to their fallacies in the grits of poverty and misery.

Read my article about this on Worldpulse: Nations prosper when women have power


Dolphins! Can we spare them?

Since centuries human race has been selfish and self centred, although the early stone age was bit different. But as the human mind evolved and the brain started developing more and more, alongwith the advancement of science and technology, a hidden curse too got carried.

The curse of being selfish.

In the name of science and knowledge, this human race has exploited several gifts of nature in every way to get itself benefited. What is shocking is ,still the exploitation continues.

Luxury at the price of wiping out the nature around or at the cost of misbalancing the environment to meet ends.

When shall this stop, will it ever?

Whether it is a person, organization, government , country or continent all have misused the natural gift which was available in bounty.

The most shocking news that I recently came across was use of Dolphins ,the water mammals in warfare!

We all know animals have been used and sacrificed in the name of inventions and tiny guinea pigs, frogs, fishes, monkeys have been their target till now.

But recently an article claimed that dolphins too were used in warfare during the Gulf War and also at many places during such times to locate mines, by the Americans.

Dolphin, an intelligent and sensitive animal being  misused by the human dirty minds is disgusting and wicked .

What surprises is the attitude of these governments who keep announcing and proclaiming the need to save the environ and maintain the balance whereas they themselves practice such methods to conclude their filthy means.

Due to their intelligence and presence of special sensory organs these animals are trained and deployed to remove or avoid the mines during invasion of Iraq in 2003.

During the Vietnam War ,it was claimed that dolphins were used in lethal “swimmer nullification programmes” their beaks fitted with needles to deliver fatal injections of CO2 gas to Vietcong divers.

There are several theories,perceptions and arguments about the use of Dolphins in warfare,but the fact remains how much shall we stoop down and shame ourselves by such acts of insanity and cruelty.


You can read the whole article by Philip Hoare in “The Views” supplement of the Gulf news dated 13th August 2014.


A perspective can change everything. A particular situation can have different meaning for different people.




A painter exclaims, “Wow! What an amazing contrast of colors in life”.

A scientist deduces,” This is the basic fundamental of aerodynamics and fluid mechanics. We should learn all the pros and cons from this bird’s flight, before designing a better aircraft.”

A poet wonders, “What a beauty, the scene depicts, the bird soaring amidst clouds trying to reach the peak.”

A woman sings, “Oh! How I wish I could fly as high as the bird with my wings spread by, without any destination.”

A politician screams, “Ah! That silly bird, how far does it think it can fly. It doesn’t know me, what can I do to the blue sky.”

A prisoner laments, “Hope I get to see the clouds moving and can fly freely as this bird under the open sky.”

A hunter whispers, “O!  an easy prey for me today. Wait until I catch you, there’s a net ahead to trap you.”

A follower of spiritual path, “O! How great is my Lord! He who can color the sky azure and make the tiny bird fly.” It’s his creation, how blessed I am to witness his grace before I die.”

A child gazes at the beautiful bird flying above in the clouds and smiles with innocence. It neither thinks nor analyzes but instead enjoys the moment of happiness.

So what is your perspective when you look at things?


Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes.

With small ideas, a gigantic outcome can be seen,with smaller efforts a big change can be done. It is all in the mind and the determination in action, nothing is impossible ,what we have thought in our mind , even yet unseen.

The core part
The core part
The functional core




A tale of a flight speaks here in the pictures which form the core parts of an aircraft making!

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge – Threes | Still Times – Our China and Life Adventures
  2. Three shots and one story | A Journey Called Life …
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes – 3 shots of one Walkway | littlegirlstory
  4. This means YOU! | Making Life an Art
  5. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Geophilia Photography
  6. Threes – WPhotoC | Ouch!! My back hurts!!
  7. Weekly photo challenge: Threes | thoughts and entanglements
  8. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Les Petits Pas de Juls
  9. Passing a bridge… | Foto Challenge
  10. Eastern Sky Lit By the Sunset (3 Photos) | On the Streets of San Francisco
  11. Weekly Photo Challenge: A Story in Threes | 2812 photography
  12. Three Hawks (without photos of hawks – oops) | follow your nose
  13. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Arl’s World
  14. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Good Intentions, Bad Follow-Through
  15. Weekly Photo Challenge ~ Triples | DCTdesigns Creative Canvas
  16. Weekly Photo Challenge: Threes | Snap and Chomp
  17. Knock before entering | Beyond the Brush


Man or Woman ,everyone has an equal right to live in this world. The killings of the unborn child after knowing the gender to be female is a heinous act of inhumanity. Foeticide or infanticide is a serious problem with our society,specially in India,where women or girls are considered less and a burden on the family.

Change the attitude and the thought process ,the kind which shall lead our country to an abyss.

Every human has a right to live and breathe!

Read the article on the unborn girl child which was on Worldpulse.