Life in Covid lockdown

A long list of goals, achieved and unachieved targets, life running at a faster pace than ever thought of , everyone around seemed interested in their own set of goals to be achieved, a robotic lifestyle, a monotonous life, doctored designed perfect as a movie weekends , a social media page to blabber on half understood topics or an insta profile to display pictures of even shopping…controversies on religion, politics, criticism on top, business happening on phone calls,Emails, WhatsApp and suddenly… an invisible stranger barges in lives of billions, trillions across the globe.Just a month ago,nobody would have imagined such a state of affairs would be changing in our lives and to such an extent where nothing remains same.Life, Living and Livelihood every bit going on toss. Reboot the system ,that’s what was expected out of the first 21 days lockdown. Although corona virus played havoc in various parts of the world, every country thought ,it wont be so serious in our part of the world.Contradicting theories, it equalized the all barriers of caste, creed, gender, religion, nation and completely brought each and every person on one ground.The ground zero level.Once again ,nature showed us that inspite of differences, clashes, division of thoughts, philosophies, ideas, faiths, we all are tied in one string of humanity and humaneness.Nothing ever can surpass the compassion of being a human and being connected.Although there are some positive sides to the COVID SITUATION , families staying together to getting time for being with each other, there are innumerable problems that have surfaced .Not all families, relations are truly in gel with one another, not every house has that space of being together for 24×7 inside the smaller cross section, not all shelters have the comfort of cooling, food availability or things readily there for survival.It is a very critical as well as unique situation, wherein people from all sectors of life, all sections of life will have a unique impact on their lives , businesses, work , lifestyle, relations.Few villages are happier in locking themselves up from the rest of the world, they are self sufficient, away from technological advances and satisfied with their own bread and butter alongwith the roof on their head. Irrespective, they are not dependent on anyone outside their village.Migrant labours on other hand, are the worst hit by this calamity, stranded away from their homes with no guarantee of normalcy nor any finances,they cannot go back neither stay at their place of work. Their families used to survive on their earnings and now everything comes to standstill.Small businesses , Small scale or Micro financed units or companies will suffer the most in these times of economic shutdown, with all orders being lost, cash being stuck, payments being blocked and no chances of getting started with the same condition. Their infrastructural costs and other viable expenses will make them go to start point of their business.Medium core or mostly the medium scale industries, companies will have a setback for few months, but will survive from the lockdown problems and their loss will be subsequently managed and recovered by their operations, sales opening up.

They can manage their expenses by cost reduction, man power reduction, process changes or overall monthly target changes for the next quarter. All this leading to a lower fiscal rate and resulting in an economic slowdown will gain its own decorum with new policies and stands taken by their management people.Large scale industries will have different impacts depending on the kind of business they are into. From software to IT sectors, it shall be growth anyhow, whereas many FMCG, essential commodities, will have an average rate of growth.Startups will suffer again unless they diversify and start with something new which shall be the necessity of situation.The ones who shall rule the world’s economy will be cream layer of global industrial sector, from Pharmaceuticals,AI’s Softwares, Infrastructures, Development sectors, Military artilleries, and many such giant players for whom COVID hasn’t created difference in their personal life and not affected their question of survival…Amidst the black & white of life, artists, creators, writers, painters, shall create exclusive and extraordinary things to cherish and value in future. They are the ones who will keep you alive,in times of distress and their works will be the inspiration for many lives who shall need motivation to come out of the pandemic that hit the world in 2020.


In the long flight of living, it has been a tussle , a whole long transformation of ruffling feathers , plucking old ones, growing the new ,trying to still maintain the speed and focus of flying with all energy and magnitude and in this journey, many a times wounded get the   wings, bruised are ends , where hardly one gets time to repair, mend or let the wounds dry.

The journey goes on without stopping, with every bend bringing more challenges and showing more impermanence of life.



Unachievable goals, difficult roads, storms , or hovering clouds, thorns pushing out of every circumstances often shred the skin in ways where one tries to protect the family keeping  them intact.

Hardly all these such efforts are realized , the fact is the zeal to move forward, the confidence of fighting inspite of not being acknowledged, the selfless support and patience of 24 hours extending to 7 days and 12 months a year continuously exhausts the energy of self.
There are moments when the flight seems the last , the faraway sky seems to embrace our pains and struggles, yet the closed ones near us never realize or notice.
The long exhausting journey wishes moments of understanding, some moments of realization which remain unnoticed and unheeded.
The long laps of flight turn the wings weak, which cannot hold the rough weathers now, due to continous exposure to rough weathers and because never did they been cleaned, covered, given rest .
A life too depletes such with negligence when all paths suddenly turn down and forget to let the soul breathe.




It is a transformation to break free from all shackles, from all chains that have pulled the wings in different directions, letting the bird to forget it’s own flight and instead follow the journey of survival.

It is time ,to mend ways, to realize, to know, to understand, to see through, to accept  this struggle .

As an eagle too can live upto 70 years and for that it has to go through the painful process of transformation after 40 years.
Either one fights self, wins , overcomes and then survives as a fighter and warrior of life or else succumbs to surroundings and gets eroded in the flood of life .

This isn’t the fear of physical pain , it is the transformation that  creates turbulence within, either leading to a rebirth of self or leading to the  usual  end .

The road not taken

When nothing seems to go right and every step is like a step towards the dead end of a dungeon, when the heart feels down and sees darkness through the path till corners, when life seems a lost game of  chess, pause for a while, think and leave the moment in the lap of destiny for sometime.

The pause shall bring a new perspective , the chaos inside the mind and heart will reckon a new solitude that will pave the path of your destination.

Sometimes best things happen only after worst have visited.

Without being a loser or accepting the defeat of playing the new game of adventure, what is required to sustain and bounce back is hope and faith of crossing the turbulent ocean with oar of wisdom.

Yes! Impatience flickers our mind, courage gets dimmer, motivation takes a backseat ,yet look around ,you will definitely find a new inspiration.

A new sense and feeling of starting again and walking on the road not taken!








Mind is the dwelling of our intellect and Heart is the abode to our feelings and realization.

An intuitive heart speaks of life as it feels not sees . It proclaims about love not as an emotion but as a part of its own existence. This intuitive heart grieves of the socio political situation and the conditions of the poor and destitute in our society. It shrieks when thousands watch helplessly the pitiable state of affairs in this world and still remain unaffected to selfishly cater their own greed.

It is overwhelmed when let free and dances in congruence with the clouds to cherish and absorb the beauteous nature.

An Intuitive Heart speaks about anything and everything that affects its being but  often remains unexpressed and unspoken . Such thoughts are usually left to perish inside  like the walls of a caged mansion.Intuition as known is the sixth sense which is invisible like the air we breathe and yet exists around us not appearing in any form  to the common eye and perception. This is the strength  that  works as a third eye , a kind of power make us evolve further.

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When intellects speak of the logical mind and the different levels of knowledge gathered by reading and learning, pioneers of art have proclaimed intuitiveness to be the most effective way of delving into any situation and resolving the issue , as it is one of unique and different ways than the usually calculated process.


Politics & Religion

IMG_20170425_214521Politics, Religion & Spiritualism should never be mixed together. Each has its own perspective and ideology. And never can the same person have similar set of these three ideologies in congruence to another.

Ideally politics should work for the growth and prosperity of a nation and its people.

Religion should bring peace and compassion along with discipline in people following any sect or religion.

Spiritualism is for individual progress and evolution of mind, body and soul irrespective of any religion.

History has always given us a reason to look back, pause for a while and introspect about the shortcomings and repercussions of so many errors done in past,but do we have the time and the heart to listen and learn?

Politics and Politicization has changed the look of the world forever. It is power and money that counts. With new players as the corporate world entering into the games of these ,it is becoming more and more futile to rely on any kind of organizational structure. Where masses gather ,there are bound to be clash of thoughts and intentions, so what is it that can change the situation? Of this world and our own nations?

Humanity – That is the sole answer and the common thread which can keep us sane and together. And will that be in form of any organization? No.

It has to be our sole conscience which will keep the essence alive .

Through the hourglass

Since ages, through the hourglass, time has witnessed change in the society, while  Darwin’s law taught us of human evolution with developing intelligence along with changed bodily structure, we are yet to completely learn ,soul too plays an important role in the history of evolution.

An invisible, unknown entity, whose abode is universe and innumerable galaxies where it dwells is yet to be understood by mankind,soul is considered to be the most important topic of research in recent years.

Metaphysics , a latest branch of science, speaks on such topics but tries to find logical reasoning behind the same.

Ancient mythology and scriptures had illumined us about this essential part of our life.

Without a Soul, a human has no life.A body even though a mechanism, remains devoid of life without the soul.

If the body is dead, then does the soul die?

Nay, it skips out of the human cage and bondage .Then,is the body lifeless, because without soul, the body has no meaning ? If so, then why does the body gets hurt in pain ,if it is devoid of life? Millions of questions can struggle inside our phenomenal brain mapping , yet we lose the thread of this eternal question.

Whatsoever the logical reasoning behind this, the fact remains:

The beauty of a soul lies in the acceptance of its existence. The kind of love , a sufi feels for his Divine , is realized only through the rooh/soul.He who sings in the darkness of life and glimpses the eternal light penetrating through the dark sky , manifests the Divine and its bliss.

“Kehta hai man , kar qubool har dua meri , ae khuda

teri rahmat mein chipi hai meri zindagi

naa karo qubool toh koi gila nahi

bas nazre inaayat karna, mujh par

ae khuda….

yahi iltazaa hai … har pal, har ghadi”.

Give me back, my love!

Last summer it hadn’t been that difficult, even though the weather cycle has shifted and now seasons no longer arrive on time. Obviously seasons hardly proclaim their arrival,it’s the nature which speaks on the behalf of its beloved.

The frost covered ivy leaves and the white sheet of luminous pearls on vast expanse announces the winter days. Even though the chilled breeze cuts through the veins , its tingling sensation brings pleasure.

Aman never noticed how seasons change . Oh! but neither he noticed any change in Ria.

So what? Thought she! She couldn’t possibly make all the efforts and take the stress of not being closer to him. She got attention from the rest of the world, so did she really cared for this?

Somewhere inside,she did. It wasn’t that easy to let life slip off so easily from her hands.Yet she couldn’t force or change anything. “What was wrong in me”? often Ria thought.Even though they were classmates and sat next to each other, he seldom glanced on her. They hardly spoke to one another and when in a group, he usually avoided talking to her.

This irritated Ria more and she tried to find out the real reason behind the coldness.

That evening was a memorable one when graduation day neared and juniors had planned for a farewell party. Winter had arrived, unnoticed.

It was snowy all around and the valley was lit with intermittent fireplaces at many places. The fir trees had on their tips the whiteness of love.

Yet love was missing in the hearts and was frozen.

In a white satin dress which kissed her toes ,Ria had let her hair loose.The tresses followed her till her waist and swayed gently as she moved. The red rose tucked in her hair near the ears was smiling vibrantly at every onlooker. As she entered the hall where the party was at its peak, eyes followed her everywhere,but her eyes searched for someone else.

She couldn’t see Aman anywhere and got desperate. For hours she waited ,yet he was nowhere to be seen. Her heart sank and she at last realized, he had never loved her. It was her misunderstanding or her premature thoughts which made her feel that someday he would confess.

Last year when the college students went for trekking camp, things were different. Aman was still aloof even though around,but she had discovered his stolen glances on her. Out of any pretext, he had tried to touch her several times and her eyes blushed. That fateful night while the camp was asleep, in the mid of night, she heard a rustle nearby. Apprehending it to be an animal, she was going to scream when a palm slid onto her mouth.She gasped.


“ Shh. Do not speak” , signaled the shadow.

She could feel his warm fingers over her neck and around her lips. It was a moment that melted her for ages.

“What is it?” the trainer shouted from outside.

“Who’s there?”

“Nothing Sir”, replied Ria.She was confused over the appearance of a stranger in her tent at this hour of night,but something resisted her to speak about it in front of everyone.


Today it was the last day of college and she would be leaving this place forever,how could Aman not be here? Her sixth sense had deceived her. Aman had never loved her.

She left the celebration hall quickly and started walking through the thick layer of snow. Her feet were getting numb and the cold had frozen her fingers. Her eyes cried in sadness over the indifference and tears rolled down.

Within few minutes , she became unconscious and fell down.

Hours later , when she opened her eyes, Ria was confused to find herself in a new place. Her head was still reeling and she was wrapped inside a thick fur blanket. The wooden walls were strangers and the only lamp hung on the corner of the room was lighting the cosy place.

“Where am I?”

Suddenly she saw a silhouette coming near. In awe, she became speechless.

The silhouette sat near her and directed her hair-locks from her face behind her ears.The caress of the touch was warm and the same. She had known this touch very vividly. Her heart pounded faster as the shadow bent and pressed on her lips.For a moment , he withdrew, but Ria realized.

It was love which had been relived by the touch. She whispered in his ears, “#Bring back the touch.Give me back my love”.

This post is written in context to the campaign.


When  slept the human through his dark nights, the world still remained the same. Nothing changed in the morning even after lot of protests staged .

Life has become insensitive and no one really cares or bothers to make an effort for the change.

Sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in hand surely does instigate many thoughts ,but which are only criticism and remarks of analytical confusion.Its an entertainment which gives an illusion of an excitement when people hear those stupid , nonsensical conversations and debates on television.

Far away from reality, those who conduct or are a part of such debates are actually untouched by the pangs of poverty and hunger.

Had they seen and experienced the real trauma of struggling through the austerities of life for years , losing out all on everything, never would they tried to such a gimmick out of nothing and holding the national audience for a ransom emotionally.

For those who watch and intently get involved in the so-called debates from their homes , are fools who love to live in the illusory world. Those who really care about the day today  issues are the ones who give in their efforts to make a difference through their work, commitment ,sincere ways and diligence.

A country known for the love of gossip can never progress unless this kind of superficial debate stops. Debates where one screams and other just laughs away is hypocritical in all respect. When trying to highlight something of national or social importance, stress should be given on conveying the message and to create awareness to bring a change and not create a melodrama out of the facts to cater the audience with a spicy update on the news-hour.

* P.S: These are strictly my views and I wish to hurt no one by giving my opinion , instead I feel , if there is an urge to bring a change in the people try sincerely with real efforts.

Being Humane

Cost of being a human is pretty higher these days.The identity of a human‘s existence is categorized by his country, religion, his not so known caste and the known gender and lastly by his name.Every such nomenclature brings a tag along with it.The tag has its own positive and negative effects depending on the place where it is being used.
Centuries later since the Stone Age had started; we all are again lost in the crisis of identity and existence.Being a speck in this world, our nonexistent identity tries to reach atop through several means. Such efforts right or wrong are not considered, when the result is achieved.In the process, we tend to forget that we are offspring’s of mankind and not species of any animal kingdom.
As during this desperateness of being known or getting attention, we follow a path which takes us in a complete different direction.
Like the youngsters and the religious fanatics drive themselves to the edge of extremism to flaunt their views and try to enforce those on the rest of the world. While doing this, they tend to forget that extremism in any case has never been beneficial and has led to conflicts, killings, wars.
How can a race so called as human allow such gruesome incidents under the name of religion?Being human is a somewhere lost in today’s world, where we have lost the essence of kindness and humanity.
The First World is busy in reestablishing its position and trying to recover from the slumping economy, whereas the Second one is getting over the glitches of slow progress and finding new ways to get through . The assumed  Third world has never existed in the picture of the global map, unless some calamity or unrest is heard of in these countries and the rest of the world flocks in to show sympathy by aiding these.
But never have humans tried to lend a hand to the weaker, poorer, unstable sections of mankind or nations, it has always been dominated by the powerful and the hypocrites section of the society.
To live and survive in this kind of world, the lone human has lost his identity and is now known by the tags he has been born with. His nature, character, disposition remains irrelevant and so to overcome and get noticed, he has shed the skin of being human.
He now dons an animal skin and slowly getting into the instincts of those creatures, forgetting the characteristics of humanity.
The imbalance whether ecological, financial, economic or of progress always has been a threat to the mankind.
Cutting off these edges from the society and trying to make it even, shall reinstate the humaneness in being human.

Nothing stops in this world, life still continues!

It was made of wood and clamped at ends and joints with bolts and nuts. The old boat was well known on the banks of the overflowing river that which ran on the outskirts of the village..The boat which carried people to their destination across thundering waves and safely transporting them to different shores stood rudderless today and gulped for air , sinking in oblivion.

Passengers still crossed the gigantic river in storms and dark nights, the old boat is now replaced by other sailing vessels.

Nothing stops in this world after one’s departure. Time still moves on and life continues .
