The road not taken

When nothing seems to go right and every step is like a step towards the dead end of a dungeon, when the heart feels down and sees darkness through the path till corners, when life seems a lost game of  chess, pause for a while, think and leave the moment in the lap of destiny for sometime.

The pause shall bring a new perspective , the chaos inside the mind and heart will reckon a new solitude that will pave the path of your destination.

Sometimes best things happen only after worst have visited.

Without being a loser or accepting the defeat of playing the new game of adventure, what is required to sustain and bounce back is hope and faith of crossing the turbulent ocean with oar of wisdom.

Yes! Impatience flickers our mind, courage gets dimmer, motivation takes a backseat ,yet look around ,you will definitely find a new inspiration.

A new sense and feeling of starting again and walking on the road not taken!



Choosing a Life ….?

The life ahead…

What do we mean by choosing a life ahead? Is it really the career that we choose makes our life or paves our path?

WE all have umpteen options when we graduate from high school and then the burden of choosing a basic branch of academics hangs on us ,which is supposed to create or form our career!


If you are a student, parent, friend, child, every one passes through this stage of life.

Each one of us  has a different perspective when it comes to choosing A parent or a child will think differently depending on their own experience or interest. What is indeed necessary is the passion that allows or persuades you to choose that particular line or career.

A job without any love or passion for that kind of work will result in unenthusiastic persons, not so efficient employees with lesser performance at work due to increasing tension and stress due to loss of interest and likeness for that particular job.

Any work when done with a zeal or enthusiasm will always bring better outcome . So when it comes to choosing careers , we need to be most alert and open to all kinds and proceed with a line which is of greater interest and for which are ready to work relentlessly with full sincerity.

Next time , when a student thinks of choosing a career, think twice…

Listen to your heart… follow your dreams to fly high.

You will never repent or need to change your path in life ever because of choosing a wrong career.
