Daily prompt: Iam a Rock!



Written for : Daily Prompt: I Am a Rock.

Obsessed with self ,a person never tries to acknowledge his shortcomings or his flaws. A rather typical nature of a human to remain aloof and shelved within the hard shell when in times of distress or sadness.

Many are known to crib all along the life about every  happening  . Else they get into the habit of mumbling to draw attention to their minutest details.

Every individual has a special characteristic and his own unusual way of dealing with times of strife.

I have come across many people who have been rather different in their upheaval times.

The characteristic of every man depends on the type of life he/she has lead and the way he/she has been brought up.

The upbringing ,the mental blocks and the social involvement of a person shapes his/her disposition.The cruel and sour remarks of people,or outrageous behaviour of some,sweet gentle nature or the suspicious trait visible through the thick dark wall are all results of such experiences.

Asking for help or allowing people to help you is also a kind of courageous act which requires much humbleness and resilience in you which can bear the burden of accepting help from others. For such a behaviour in your view is like ,you are incapable of sorting out things,or it would simply show your weak nature.

Such negative thinkings disallow people to share their thoughts and problems with others just for the sake ,what would others think ?

But humanity is a bigger canvas and small things as such don’t paint the picture as we think.

It is the sense of gratitude that would allow us to share our thoughts with others . It brings the compassionate nature of us and reminds us at every juncture to take care of every other individual that we come across in life who is in  distress.


“Even if I stood like a rock under the scorching sun

without a shade or a river to quench my thirst

yet  I owe my gratitude to the Almighty

for showering few drops of rain

to grace me with the endurance

face the rough weather….”


So even if we do not accept help from others ,there has been some assistance provided to us in a disguise which we need to recognize and realize .




Its disheartening to see the world going in a such a haywire.A continuous state of unrest is observed everywhere around the world.Be it any country or region,the restless and the impatient mind which assumes to take over the power simply by exerting pressure and suppressing the weaker is the predominant  feature of every society,caste,politics and nation.It is a chaos which has deafened us from within!
The religious clerics forget that before they preach hatred for another caste or religion,they have to teach how to love each other and god. The word love seems to be completely wiped away from today’s life.As if it was only left for the romantic lovers to cite as in the quotes,as they too have lost the importance of the real value.I know it feels so saddened when we see and hear small kids and youngster developing an imaginary hatred against anyone without even knowing what they are thinking and doing.
The older generation who guides them is to be blamed for we haven’t shown them the right path.
People are more busier in earning the lavish lifestyle for their children forgetting the fact that their kids need more of attention and love.As if the main aim of living is to run around for the whole life ,ignoring the relations and the family,to ultimately live in a luxurious place after getting retired.
Little do we realize about what is happening around in our society and not even bothered to peek into the lives of our dear ones.
On a larger scale,minds of everyone have got deteriorated and no one holds a true or a consistent view about anything. the feeble minds get lost easily in the long speeches of the politically motivated ones or the religious ignited sparks.
Balance of thoughts if isn’t visible in the elders ,what do we expect from our younger generation?
Instead people from politics,religious heads have used and exploited the young minds for their selfish needs.

Every country is in a state of disarray,for every mind now is in a state of mess. Having forgotten the values and the real meaning of life,this is bound to happen.The situation getting more alarming and the race of mankind getting more aloof from the sense of affection and love…


Do you find any similarity between you and the person sitting in another corner of the world? Is the person who follows a certain religion is of different species, than the one who believes in another religion?Does the colour of the skin change the fact that we all aren’t of the same human race?
Does the man who is sitting and enjoying quietly with his family in the  East makes him different or inferior than someone who is sitting in another corner of the world?

Then why is thou humanity ?where is thou compassion?

Well! Is this supposed to be the life for a human being who takes  birth after millions of other births starting from a jelly fish and then finally getting evolved as a human?

The answer lies within.

After going through the cycle of evolution,we as humans should have learnt many lessons from our previous species. The steady change and the uniform one was supposed to make us more defined ,more refined.Instead we chose to carry forth the instincts of the animals that we had been once,instead of eradicating those cannibalistic dispositions.

A larger goal and aim lies ahead for us as a part of the human race,but instead we divided the mankind into several parts as castes,creed,religion,nations,gender which did no good to us nor helped us in anyway. For the sake of making it easier to distinguish people from various regions and countries ,for our convenience the earth got divided into various ruling governing systems.But it all happened on paper,on the maps and not on the actual lands.

You cannot tell a river that it belongs to one country and shouldn’t be flowing into another. Nor can you stop the winds blowing from one place to another.

The animals ,birds too are free to have a place of their own without paying any attention to these narrow divisions.Its only the intellectual man who understand s the real bifurcation.

It indeed is penetrated hard into his mind,that we are different ,we belong to different place and so behaves indifferently.

A place of worship if ever is in shape of a temple,mosque,church, synagogue…The one whom we pray to there is the same.

But Alas!

Equality is lost.Humanity is lost here.

There is nothing on this earth that will ever bind the mankind together.

Might be a catastrophe on the planet shall make all realize,that we all are same inhabitants of this earth!