Politics & Religion

IMG_20170425_214521Politics, Religion & Spiritualism should never be mixed together. Each has its own perspective and ideology. And never can the same person have similar set of these three ideologies in congruence to another.

Ideally politics should work for the growth and prosperity of a nation and its people.

Religion should bring peace and compassion along with discipline in people following any sect or religion.

Spiritualism is for individual progress and evolution of mind, body and soul irrespective of any religion.

History has always given us a reason to look back, pause for a while and introspect about the shortcomings and repercussions of so many errors done in past,but do we have the time and the heart to listen and learn?

Politics and Politicization has changed the look of the world forever. It is power and money that counts. With new players as the corporate world entering into the games of these ,it is becoming more and more futile to rely on any kind of organizational structure. Where masses gather ,there are bound to be clash of thoughts and intentions, so what is it that can change the situation? Of this world and our own nations?

Humanity – That is the sole answer and the common thread which can keep us sane and together. And will that be in form of any organization? No.

It has to be our sole conscience which will keep the essence alive .


As the year 2013 wraps itself in the memories of the events that occurred during the whole year and gets in the celebration mood of CHRISTMAS in few days from now, I have a news to share with all of you.

The most awaited moment is here,the launch of our poetry book  ,  ” Suroor of the Soul” at India International Centre,Delhi on 21st Dec 2013.All are cordially invited to grace the occasion and be a part of the wonderful journey.


It has not been long since “Suroor ” was published on Amazon and received a wide and touching response from everyone who has read the book. The thought behind “Suroor ” was intense and it delved deep into insights regarding the journey of a soul which wanders on earth in search of true happiness.

We all are such souls,seeking happiness in every dream,ambition and path of life ,yet we fail to experience the true feeling of it.This book dwells in such a voyage through a poetic form reflecting the real experiences of human on earth.

You can visit the website of “Suroor of the Soul” to read more about the reviews,interviews and updates regarding the topic which we  think has endless and limitless expeditions.


With Best Wishes,

Soumya and Shaheen