In the long flight of living, it has been a tussle , a whole long transformation of ruffling feathers , plucking old ones, growing the new ,trying to still maintain the speed and focus of flying with all energy and magnitude and in this journey, many a times wounded get the   wings, bruised are ends , where hardly one gets time to repair, mend or let the wounds dry.

The journey goes on without stopping, with every bend bringing more challenges and showing more impermanence of life.



Unachievable goals, difficult roads, storms , or hovering clouds, thorns pushing out of every circumstances often shred the skin in ways where one tries to protect the family keeping  them intact.

Hardly all these such efforts are realized , the fact is the zeal to move forward, the confidence of fighting inspite of not being acknowledged, the selfless support and patience of 24 hours extending to 7 days and 12 months a year continuously exhausts the energy of self.
There are moments when the flight seems the last , the faraway sky seems to embrace our pains and struggles, yet the closed ones near us never realize or notice.
The long exhausting journey wishes moments of understanding, some moments of realization which remain unnoticed and unheeded.
The long laps of flight turn the wings weak, which cannot hold the rough weathers now, due to continous exposure to rough weathers and because never did they been cleaned, covered, given rest .
A life too depletes such with negligence when all paths suddenly turn down and forget to let the soul breathe.




It is a transformation to break free from all shackles, from all chains that have pulled the wings in different directions, letting the bird to forget it’s own flight and instead follow the journey of survival.

It is time ,to mend ways, to realize, to know, to understand, to see through, to accept  this struggle .

As an eagle too can live upto 70 years and for that it has to go through the painful process of transformation after 40 years.
Either one fights self, wins , overcomes and then survives as a fighter and warrior of life or else succumbs to surroundings and gets eroded in the flood of life .

This isn’t the fear of physical pain , it is the transformation that  creates turbulence within, either leading to a rebirth of self or leading to the  usual  end .


Own the moment and live it.

The moment that we are living in now,will be lost forever in the sands of time . And the lost moment can never be revived nor reinstated .

It is in this moment that we have to breath,live and smile. For the instant that vanishes ,evaporates in the atmosphere and cannot be brought back.Whether it is the part of work,or the expression of love,whether it is the smile that we forgot or the care that we should have showered ,it’s all in this moment that shall slip within no time .

Once slipped like the flowing tears of an eye,like the slippery sand ,it is lost .

Value the treasure of the pearl when it is in your hand and of this moment when you have it …for once you lose it ,you have lost one precious pearl from the casket of your life.