In the long flight of living, it has been a tussle , a whole long transformation of ruffling feathers , plucking old ones, growing the new ,trying to still maintain the speed and focus of flying with all energy and magnitude and in this journey, many a times wounded get the   wings, bruised are ends , where hardly one gets time to repair, mend or let the wounds dry.

The journey goes on without stopping, with every bend bringing more challenges and showing more impermanence of life.



Unachievable goals, difficult roads, storms , or hovering clouds, thorns pushing out of every circumstances often shred the skin in ways where one tries to protect the family keeping  them intact.

Hardly all these such efforts are realized , the fact is the zeal to move forward, the confidence of fighting inspite of not being acknowledged, the selfless support and patience of 24 hours extending to 7 days and 12 months a year continuously exhausts the energy of self.
There are moments when the flight seems the last , the faraway sky seems to embrace our pains and struggles, yet the closed ones near us never realize or notice.
The long exhausting journey wishes moments of understanding, some moments of realization which remain unnoticed and unheeded.
The long laps of flight turn the wings weak, which cannot hold the rough weathers now, due to continous exposure to rough weathers and because never did they been cleaned, covered, given rest .
A life too depletes such with negligence when all paths suddenly turn down and forget to let the soul breathe.




It is a transformation to break free from all shackles, from all chains that have pulled the wings in different directions, letting the bird to forget it’s own flight and instead follow the journey of survival.

It is time ,to mend ways, to realize, to know, to understand, to see through, to accept  this struggle .

As an eagle too can live upto 70 years and for that it has to go through the painful process of transformation after 40 years.
Either one fights self, wins , overcomes and then survives as a fighter and warrior of life or else succumbs to surroundings and gets eroded in the flood of life .

This isn’t the fear of physical pain , it is the transformation that  creates turbulence within, either leading to a rebirth of self or leading to the  usual  end .

Being Humane

Cost of being a human is pretty higher these days.The identity of a human‘s existence is categorized by his country, religion, his not so known caste and the known gender and lastly by his name.Every such nomenclature brings a tag along with it.The tag has its own positive and negative effects depending on the place where it is being used.
Centuries later since the Stone Age had started; we all are again lost in the crisis of identity and existence.Being a speck in this world, our nonexistent identity tries to reach atop through several means. Such efforts right or wrong are not considered, when the result is achieved.In the process, we tend to forget that we are offspring’s of mankind and not species of any animal kingdom.
As during this desperateness of being known or getting attention, we follow a path which takes us in a complete different direction.
Like the youngsters and the religious fanatics drive themselves to the edge of extremism to flaunt their views and try to enforce those on the rest of the world. While doing this, they tend to forget that extremism in any case has never been beneficial and has led to conflicts, killings, wars.
How can a race so called as human allow such gruesome incidents under the name of religion?Being human is a somewhere lost in today’s world, where we have lost the essence of kindness and humanity.
The First World is busy in reestablishing its position and trying to recover from the slumping economy, whereas the Second one is getting over the glitches of slow progress and finding new ways to get through . The assumed  Third world has never existed in the picture of the global map, unless some calamity or unrest is heard of in these countries and the rest of the world flocks in to show sympathy by aiding these.
But never have humans tried to lend a hand to the weaker, poorer, unstable sections of mankind or nations, it has always been dominated by the powerful and the hypocrites section of the society.
To live and survive in this kind of world, the lone human has lost his identity and is now known by the tags he has been born with. His nature, character, disposition remains irrelevant and so to overcome and get noticed, he has shed the skin of being human.
He now dons an animal skin and slowly getting into the instincts of those creatures, forgetting the characteristics of humanity.
The imbalance whether ecological, financial, economic or of progress always has been a threat to the mankind.
Cutting off these edges from the society and trying to make it even, shall reinstate the humaneness in being human.

Nothing stops in this world, life still continues!

It was made of wood and clamped at ends and joints with bolts and nuts. The old boat was well known on the banks of the overflowing river that which ran on the outskirts of the village..The boat which carried people to their destination across thundering waves and safely transporting them to different shores stood rudderless today and gulped for air , sinking in oblivion.

Passengers still crossed the gigantic river in storms and dark nights, the old boat is now replaced by other sailing vessels.

Nothing stops in this world after one’s departure. Time still moves on and life continues .


Nations prosper ,when women have power !

She who makes your family, she who rears you since childhood has every right to get connected to the strings of learning.When every household thinks alike as such and tries to introduce the basics of learning internet to the women of the house, knowledge shall spread and countries will prosper.
Barring her the freedom of choice and her right to learn , we can see many nations fallen to their fallacies in the grits of poverty and misery.

Read my article about this on Worldpulse: Nations prosper when women have power




When the wet soil of the unkempt village turned muddy, it became very slippery and small puddles formed everywhere. The slope of the broken huts had many holes and gaps those which allowed the raindrops and then the gush of rainfall to go inside the breaking houses…

People awaited for the rain to stop and the continuous downpour had started playing havoc. Destroying the fodder of the cattle, the harvested stock too had got wet and had been damaged.

What could they all do? They couldn’t stop or control arrival nor could decide the departure of the showers.

Science has progressed a lot says everyone; the lone farmer never understood what it meant. If anything can’t be in control of ourself,what advancement is it? Since centuries, he has stood there like other farmers praying for the stopping of the rainfall.

Had the government helped him in shifting the harvested stock to a safer place ,it would not have got wet . Does constructing a cemented or pucca warehouse to stock the grains of the whole village a huge task to do, that till today the heaps of gigantic livestock is kept in the open on the mercy of the rain gods. And when it rains suddenly, it is covered by the soiled torn sheets of polythene and tarpaulins which remind of the torn condition of the country.

What a shame! When governments change, much is talked about policies,amendments ,regulations and enquiries,basic few things if done by individuals and their  collective effort can change the condition of the country forever.

The smallest unit of administration thus which has been created at the Panchayat level of village doesn’t help nor initiate,or the higher levels do not coordinate to let such changes happen in the society leading to complete failure of the whole system of administration.

But government nowadays is run by politicians, who play politics first and then take a step for the welfare of country and humanity.

Little Sonu was yet to understand all this dirty filth of life and he was making paper boats to let the white boats sail in the puddle. His tiny sails floated and went through small puddles, like a ray of hope in the darkened night of the storm.


Do you have any thought to share on this?

17th January 2013

There has been a change in scenario in the past few days in Indian politics. Let it be the new power packed speech by Rahul Gandhi, or the storming invasion by the law minister of Delhi of  an area,which allegedly was running a sex and drug racket, for which he didn’t get any police support. The sudden death ofSsunanda Pushkar wife of Shashi Tharoor after few days controversy on social media about hacking accounts and stalking her husband. Be it the demise of the spiritual leader in Mumbai and the stampede that occurred during his funeral or the death of an old actress Suchitra Sen . The day in Indian history will be surely important for days to come which shall remind us of this day when we look back after few months from now. The fate and the future of India when  be decided in the forthcoming elections will remind us back of this particular day which marked its presence by so many colours and shades of politics so intensely.